Yan Pei-Ming facing Courbet
From June 11 to September 30, 2019 at DEPARTMENTAL MUSEUM GUSTAVE COURBET. 1 Place Robert Fernier, 25290 ORNANS.
To celebrate the Bicentennial of the birth of Gustave Courbet, it was necessary, after having recalled all that art owes to the aesthetic freedom that the painter was able to impose in his time, to show how much remains a reference for the artists of today.
And it is Yan Pei-Ming, a contemporary painter and internationally recognized, who will confront a dozen major works of the master of Ornans. It is also in the workshop of Courbet in Ornans - currently undergoing restoration - that Yan Pei-Ming will realize from March 2019 paintings that will meet the challenge of a face-to-face.
The exhibition Yan Pei-Ming facing Courbet will endeavor to translate the multiple artistic connivances between these two painters to some six generations apart.
Born in Shanghai in 1960, Yan Pei-Ming arrives in France in 1980 and follows the teaching of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Dijon. The painting is then regarded as an obsolete medium but Yan Pei-Ming traces his path against the current, persisting in the representation of huge portraits. He imposes himself by the force of his energetic and sensitive painting at the same time.
In Yan Pei-Ming's way of being and painting, there is much in common with Courbet, a large and sure gesture, a battle fought over large formats and always an emotional density that the artist knows how to hide under his name. serene and joyful appearance.