Within the RESEARCH ON DUNHUANG carried out within theUMR 8155 (CRCAO) and EFEO

  1. WANXIE Jianjun 王建軍 and ZHANG Jingfeng 張景峰

(Researchers at the Dunhuang Institute, China) will give the following lectures

Thursday 18 June 2015

at the House of Asia, 22 avenue President-Wilson, 75016 Paris. 1er Floor Lounge

on Wednesday 24 June 2015

at the Collège de France, 52 rue Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris. Lévi-Strauss room, on the ground floor.

15.05.30.Poster - 18 June 2015.2

15.05.30.Poster - 24 June 2015.2


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