Later Chosǒn Painting (18th-19th Century) – Hwawon Scholars and Professional Painters

Conference at 18:00 p.m. by Okyang CHAE-DUPORGE, Lecturer at Bordeaux Montaigne University.

Professional scholars and painters hwawon were the main actors in pictorial production under the Chosǒn (1392-1910). In principle, the scholars came from the ruling class yangban, while the majority of professional painters hwawon was from the middle class Jungin. The history of Chosǒn painting, seen today, seems to have been dominated sometimes by the former, sometimes by the latter, but their coexistence and their ongoing exchanges have advanced this history. In this conference, we propose to examine the major painters of the later Chosǒn by approaching them from the angle of these exchanges, which sometimes went beyond their social classes but remained conditioned by them.      


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