Santal and Nepalese musical instruments – Santal palanquin panels

This exhibition will be a tribute to François Boulanger and Françoise Bouhière from the collection from which come most of the exhibits.

These collectors have invested their whole lives in acquiring a superb collection of musical instruments. Their sanza collection, made up of 600 pieces, was acquired by the Musée de la Cité de la Musique in Paris and by the Museum of Musical Instruments MIM in Brussels.

The pieces from their collection that we exhibit, supplemented by pieces from Annick Cical's collection, are the subject of a catalogue.

Alain Daniélou had praised the qualities of musicians and dancers of Santal.

Little known until now, they have just seen one of their own, Drupadi Murmu, become President of India.

The exhibition, which will last the whole month of September, will be illustrated by screenings of films, photographs and lectures by musicologists. The program will be available on our website.


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