Fujikasa Satoko (born in 1980), Seisei (Plant growth)
This dynamic sculpture is made using clay from Hagi, a town traditionally associated with tea ceremony utensils since the XNUMXth century.e century. It is part of a set of ten pieces whose fluid forms are created from models based on a series of preparatory drawings.
The material adopted by the artist is very malleable and allows the ceramics to be given different thicknesses, becoming extremely thin as the shape evolves upwards. Fujikasa Satoko strives to evoke in these creations the essence of ki, or life energy, which she compares to the power of a dragon in flight. Her palette consists of only one color, as she believes that the use of unglazed white clay allows her works to better blend into the environments in which they are exhibited.
Noted in national and international exhibitions, Fujikasa Satoko has won the Korea Ceramic Biennale Prize and his works have entered the collections of many museums in Japan and around the world.
Fujikasa Satoko (born in 1980)
Seisei (Plant growth)
Heisei era (1989-2019), 2013
White glazed sandstone
H.71 cm x W.64 cm x D.49 cm
CM 2013-16
Gift of the Society of Friends of the Cernuschi Museum, 2013
Photo credit :
© Paris Museums / Cernuschi Museum