31 March 2017 to 2 July 2017

Le Museum of Oriental Arte Torino. Via San domenico, 11. 10122 TURIN. ITALY presents the exhibition DALL'ANTICA ALLA NUOVA VIA DELLA SETA.

A journey along the caravan routes, maritime and spiritual, a point of reference for the interconnections between East and West, a vast and ancient network of commerce, always projected into the future, a symphony of civilizations that give priority is given to the spirit of dialogue and collaboration: this is the Silk Road. To say it, the MAO Oriental Art Museum in Turin offers an exhibition, including 70 ancient and precious works, to represent the long history of relations between China and the West, especially Italy.

Italy has played a key role in the history of relations with China: it is said that already Marco Aurelio in 166 AD, had sent an embassy to the court of the Son of Heaven which allowed the two largest empires to longest history to get in touch. Marco Polo, in the XNUMXth century, celebrated the splendor of China in The million, thus contributing to improving knowledge of peoples and worlds still little known in the West; the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, received in 1601 the Forbidden City as ambassador in Europe, is admitted by the emperor Wanli in the small circle of the Mandarins, and allows him to build a church in Beijing; Martino Martini, during his long stay in China, wrote the Novus Atlas Sinensis, the first modern atlas of China to be released in Europe in 1655.


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