Lectures by MM. Liu Yongzeng and Yang Xiuqing from the Dunhuang Institute (China)

Lectures by Messrs. Liu Yongzeng and Yang Xiuqing from Dunhuang Institute

As part of RESEARCH ON DUNHUANG, conducted within UMR 8155/CRCAO and EFEO
MM. YANG Xiuqing and LIU Yongzeng from the Dunhuang Institute (China)
will give four talks:

17th May 2013
at the House of Asia, 22 avenue President Wilson, 75016 Paris Audiovisual room on the ground floor.

at 15h :
Mr. YANG Xiuqing, researcher at the Dunhuang Institute: The Moral Precepts of the Chinese in Dunhuang Texts from the 7th to the 10th Century 從 敦煌 寫 本 看 七 十 世紀 國 國 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人
at 16:30 p.m.:
Mr. LIU Yongzeng 劉永 增, Director of the Dunhuang Institute Archaeological Research Center: The paintings and sculptures of the Mogao Grottoes in the Northern Dynasties (5th-6th centuries) 敦煌 莫高窟 北朝 期 ( 5-6 世紀) 石窟 壁畫 與 造像

27th May 2013
at the Far East Institutes of the College de France, 52 rue Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris
Lévi-Strauss room, on the ground floor.
at 14h
Mr. YANG Xiuqing, researcher at the Dunhuang Institute: Daily life in Dunhuang from Dunhuang documents and murals Dun 敦煌 文獻 和 石窟 經 內容 內容 敦煌 敦煌 敦煌 人
at 15:30 p.m.
Mr. LIU Yongzeng 劉永 增, Director of the Dunhuang Institute Archaeological Research Center: The maṇḍalas of the eight bodhisattvas represented in the Dunhuang Caves 敦煌 石窟 八大 菩薩 曼荼羅 圖像

CONTACT: liying.kuo@efeo.net; erictrombert@hotmail.com; costantino.moretti@ephe.sorbonne.fr


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